Post Operation Instruction after Extraction of Tooth


Control Bleeding

  • Bite firmly the gauze pack over the surgical area for, at least, 1/2 hour; then discard it gently. 
  • Some blood will ooze from the area of surgery for several hours and it is normal. 
  • Do not spit, or suck through a straw, since this will promote bleeding. 
  • When bleeding persists at home, place a gauze pad or cold wet teabag over the area and bite firmly for 30 minutes. 
  • Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue. 
  • Keep your head elevated on several pillows or sit in a lounge chair for 12 hours. 
  • DO NOT SMOKE for 24 hours after surgery because this will cause bleeding, pain and interfere with healing. 
  • DO NOT DRINK CARBONATED beverages (soda). 




  • Do not rinse your mouth or brush your teeth for the first 12 hours after the surgical appointment. Then use warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon salt in 1/2 cup [4 ounces] of warm water) after tooth-brushing and every 2 hours.
  • Do not use any alcohol or hydrogen peroxide contained mouth rinses and toothpaste.

Bacterial Plaque Control

  • Brush the teeth gently.
  • Avoid the surgical site. 


  • Get plenty of rest; at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Avoid strenuous exercise during the first 24 hours, and keep the mouth from excessive movement. Physical activity may increase bleeding. 


  • Use a liquid or soft diet high in protein. 
  • Drink a large volume of water and fruit juices. 
  • Do not drink through a straw because this may promote bleeding. 
  • Avoid hot food for the first 24 hours after surgery because this may promote bleeding. 
  • Eat a soft diet for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction. 
  • Avoid foods that require excessive chewing. 
  • You can resume a normal diet the day after tooth removal. 

Pain and Discomfort

  • Some discomfort is normal after surgery. It can be controlled by taking the pain medication your dentist has prescribed or recommended. 
  • Start taking your pain pills before the numbing medication has worn off. 
  • Take your pain pill with an 8 oz. glass of water and/or a small amount of food to prevent nausea. 
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications or Painkillers may be used for temporary pain relief. Take these as directed on the package and around the clock. Do not overdosing on these generic drugs: 



Any antibiotics prescribed by your dentist should be taken as directed, to completion. This includes continuing on with them even after your tooth has been removed.


Swelling and Icepacks

  • Swelling after surgery is a normal body reaction. 
  • Swelling reaches its maximum about 48 hours after surgery, and usually lasts 4-6 days.
  • Applying ice packs over the area for the first 24 hours (no longer than 20 minutes at a time) helps control swelling and may you more comfortable. 
  • Ice and hot packs are used 20 minutes each alternatively from the second day for swelling. 


  • You may experience some mild bruising in the area of your surgery. 
  • This is a normal response in some persons and should not be cause for alarm. 
  • It will disappear in 7-14 days. 

Sutures or Stitches

  • If stitches were placed in area of your surgery, your dentist will tell you if and when they need to be removed (usually in about 1 week).
  • Many times stitches are used which are self-dissolving (7-10 days) and do not require removal. 

Call your Dentist or a Hospital Emergency Room if:

  • You experience discomfort you cannot control with your pain pills. 
  • You have bleeding that you cannot control by biting on gauze. 
  • You have increased swelling after the third day following surgery. 
  • You have a fever. 
  • You have any questions.


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